“Mom’s Angels” is the journey of a young woman escaping the horrors of the Holocaust as told by Chaya Kramer who reunites at the age of 96 with the son of her saviours.
Chaya, 96 years old, reunites with Zbishek, who was a little kid when his family saved her life. The two reminisce how she was saved by his family and by the Kopietz family in a nearby village.
As her two daughters discuss their mother’s experiences, they discover something about their mother they never knew.
This is a film about hope and belief in the best of humans even in the darkest period in history – the Holocaust
This film was ordered by Mrs. Kramer’s daughters and produced by them.

Technical staff:

Duration: 42 min
Hebrew, Polish and English
Subtitles : Hebrew or English


Director & writer: Taliya Finkel
Filmed by: Taliya Finkel
Editor: Ami Drozd Editor
Music: Rafi Toren
Sound Design Avi Mizrahi
Grading: Gilli Anaki
Poster: Guy David Gazit
Produced by: Shoshi Zupnik and Batia Kramer

Trailer Editor: Tomer Golan