Freedom Farm – Season 2 This series explores the profound connections forged between humans and animals who, despite lacking a common language, find ways to communicate and form deep bonds. Set at the Freedom Farm Sanctuary, it delves into the lives of both the animals, rescued from the food industry, and the people who care for them. Each chapter […]

Freedom Farm Sanctuary

Freedom Farm Sanctuary/Documentary Series by Taliya Finkel | 6 Chapters. 8 minutes each. Premiered on Israeli Television Channel KAN 11 “Imperfect” volunteers are transformed by the experience of caring for rescued “imperfect” farm animals. This optimistic and profoundly moving documentary invites us to follow the journey of the unique relationships that develop between the ‘imperfect’ […]

Anna and the Egyptian doctor

“Whoever saves one life saves the world entire” Thalmud/Quran  The film’s story: This impact film tells the extraordinary story of Dr. Mohamed Helmy, an Egyptian doctor, who, posing as a Nazi supporter, rescued a Jewish girl disguised as a Muslim in Nazi Berlin. He is the first and only Arab to be recognized as Righteous Among […]

Mohamed and Anna – In Plain Sight

The movie “Mohamed and Anna in plain sight” is a TV educational movie that brings the exciting story of Dr. Mohamed Helmy, an Egyptian doctor who lived in Germany. He was recognized in Israel as the first and only Arab ‘Righteous among the Nations’. Ronen Steinke, a journalist, reveals to the audience a remarkable story: […]

Taliya.Date.Com “Taliya.Date.Com” is a creative documentary that tells the story of Taliya Finkel’s quest for finding love in the estranged world of Internet dating. This quest is based on a mouse, a keyboard and Photoshop tricks. After every date, Taliya writes a “documentary poem”. She easily transforms what most singles consider as distress into poetry […]

Over my Dad’s Body A documentary thriller. When Taliya was young, she never knew for sure whether her uncle was a KGB agent in disguise or a true member of the family. Her father claimed that his brother had been murdered in a Ukrainian prison and substituted by an imposter from the KGB, forced on the family by […]


TIKKUN Israel 2002 This film provides a rare glimpse into the lives of ultra-orthodox women who are often reluctant to be filmed. The relationship of the filmmaker and central character shapes an intimate, personal work. Rabbanit (Rebbitzen) Leah Kook was an Orthodox mother and homemaker living a quiet family life when she suddenly felt called […]